Tuesday, September 16, 2014


Hi..   This is our design service..  "MD Moving Design", if you need design can moving, contact us...
still confuse?   this example..  if you have blog about brownies maybe...  and you want your banner
full about your brownies and deescription, and you want that banner moving,  please contact us... : )

Our service inexpensive..   only $15  for one design...  

Payments made after the client's design is complete and has been a deal,
use western union payment service, or via bank transfer.
We also cater to your questions, if you are still confused about our Moving Design.  : )

Our communication services via email,
whatsapp or blackberry messenger, or facebook, or other chat if you want.  : )

Contact us

   Facebook   : https://www.facebook.com/ibnu.riyadh

 If you want to ask questions please, do not hesitate   : )

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